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Bernardino Sayo

Executive Director, Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines

Presently, the Executive Director of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), the strategic policy and program advocacy arm and focal representative of the entire gamut of Philippine local government at national and international fora. He is a recognized expert on Public Policy Development, Risk Analysis & Development, Strategic Advocacy, and Grassroots Development as well as on the dynamics of legislation and executive-legislative relations in the Philippine contemporary context.


His life in government was founded on the institutionalization of legislative lobbying as a way to bridge the constitutionally enshrined separation of the executive and legislative branches of government and to enrich collaboration particularly in the area of policymaking; he wrote the only reference manual on legislative advocacy and executive-legislative relations. He is an institutional memory of contemporary executive-legislative relations having risen through the ranks and served as the President’s point-person in Congress thru the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (PLLO) under six (6) post-EDSA administrations. Previously, formed part of the transition team that set up the system of procedures of the restored Congress in 1986, and served concurrently as Secretary for three (3) legislative committees: Human Rights; Family Relations & Population; and Ethics.


Complete studies in Development Management (Development Academy of the Philippines), International Development Policies (American University, Washington DC), Strategic Trade and Border Management (Georgia University, Atlanta), and Social Development Policies (International Christian University, Tokyo); and Business Management (Ateneo de Manila University).


5th General Assembly

Strengthening Local Multi-Stakeholder

Collaboration Towards COVID-19 Recovery



5th General Assembly


November 26, 2020

1:30PM to 4:30PM


Virtual Assembly

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ZEP2030 Head Secretariat

Philippine Business for Social Progress


Sultan Street, Brgy Highway Hills

1550 Mandaluyong City, Philippines






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